This is part two of a continuing series of ideas, thoughts and comments on the digital transformation taking place in data...

    Along with Murad Kablan, my colleague and co-founder of Stateless, we will explore, though in different directions, new...

    This is just part of a continuing series of ideas, thoughts and comments on the digital transformation taking place in data...

    It’s hard to believe it’s been a year starting the adventure of Techstars Boulder. During the three months of the program,...

    We’re excited to announce that we have been awarded an SBIR grant from the NSF — linked below.

    Techstars Demo Day 2017

    by Eric Keller on Jun 5, 2017 5:11:00 PM

    After 13 weeks, the day finally arrived... Techstars Demo day. If you’re unfamiliar, it was held at the Boulder Theater,...


    by Eric Keller on Apr 19, 2017 5:12:00 PM

    At Techstars, every Wednesday we get together for a “family” dinner, founder story (where an invited speaker is brought in),...

    We meant to do this weeks ago, but things happen, a blog entry keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the to-do list (I’ll...